Friday, December 27, 2019

Its not you, its your resume.

Its not you, its your resume.Its not you, its your resume.If youre like most people, you have a resume that includes something like thisHired as Director, Tri-State AreaResponsible for a budget of $1.2 millionManaged staff of 5 in our downtown officeYour details may be grander, or your career may be at an earlier stage, but lots and lots of people have this style of information presentation on their resume.Can you spot the error?These resume bullet points simplydescribewhat you did. They dont tell your future boss howgoodyou are at doing the job.Its obvious If youve got a job and you work in an office in the year 2015Three things happened You were hired for that job You had some monetary resources to manage You had people working for or with youSeriously, you havent told the employer or your future bossanythingwith those three bullet points.So here are two simple tips.Be aware of your valueFirst, read your resume out loud, putting the phrase You should give me a draufgabe this year b ecause in front of each line.If it doesnt make sense that somebody would give you a bonus, or increase your bonus, because of that line delete the sentence and write a better one.For example, going into your boss office and telling her You should give me a bonus this year because you hired me to be Director, Tri-State Area wouldnt get you very far. You dont really deserve a year-end bonus just for getting hired. (Does not apply if youre an NFL coach switching jobs).Rather, you deserve a bonus when you accomplish somethingYou increased sales. You decreased expenses. You improved the time it takes to do the tasks. You increased the efficacy of the process or product.You made your companybettersomehow. You didnt just show up you did something well.Which brings us to the second tip.Use statistics to show the impact youve madeCount how many $ signs and % signs and specific numbers you have on your resumeAnd now double that number.That is, rewrite your resume and include twice as many $ a nd % and s as were on your original resume.The minimum you should have, if youve been in the workforce for over a decade, is twenty.Dollar signs and percentage signs are indicators of achievements that you can quantify. Quantifiable achievements are more persuasive than qualitative achievements for most resumes.So rather than just increasing sales, decreasing expenses, or improving task times, you..Increased sales by 27% in my region through the effective use of strategic selling.Decreased costs by 11% in my division without impacting productivity.Generated $14 million in new bookings through database marketing.Reduced server load by 73%, and server cost by 22% through refactoring old code base.Saved $1.2 million in recruiting and legal costs by insourcing.Improved factory throughput by 17% by re-engineering the supply chain and introducing new manufacturing techniques.When you read these bullet points with You should give me a bonus this year because, they all make sense. And thats because they provide a quantifiable achievement that made the company better because you were there.And demonstrating to your future boss the types of achievements that he can expect from you, in numbers that he can understand, is the best way for him to come to the conclusion that youre the right person for the job.And thats how you make your resume so much more effective in about two minutes on a cold Monday morning in January. Andthatis quite an achievementHave a 55% more fantastic week in the job search this week, Readers

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A powerful one page resume example you can use

A powerful one page resume example you can useA powerful one page resume example you can useI want to use the resume in my international business class to show the power of presentation.As a well How Pavel Fit All of His Experience into a One Page resumePavels resume is a great example of someone who has taken the Modern resume template and made the most of it. His resume is detailed, concise, and tailored to the position.1. Showing who he is If you thought Williams introduction was short and sweet, wait until you see Pavels. Using his personal photo and a short bio of 16 words, we get all the insights into Pavel that we need. After researching his position Pavel decided that he didnt need much more to catch the attention of the recruiter. Being hired at, he knew they needed to see his expertise most. Tip In some countries it is frowned upon to include a personal photo. Its best to research the hiring practices of the firm youre applying to to double How Gal Fit Over a De cade of Experience in One PageGal shows us that any resume template can be used when building a one-pager. Using s staple the double column resume Gal makes an impact without drawing things out.1. Showing you who he is As a running theme, Gal gives insight into who he is using a short bio and a life philosophy section. This shows the recruiter who Gal is as a person and emphasizes his attitude to work and life itself. Accomplishing this in two-three sentences will do wonders to signal to companies that you fit within their culture ultimately getting you an bewerbungsgesprch sooner. More details of his personality are revealed in his Most Proud of Section, which gives a short few words on the most defining aspects of his personality and career. For example, starting Zoostr.2. Detailing his experience Gal makes use of s technologies section but renames it as an Expertise section. With this, the recruiter can easily see that Gal is gifted when it comes to B2B, B2C, SaaS and more. Th is is an excellent example of cutting paragraphs down to singular words with the same impact.3. Describing his impact Again, Gal introduces his impact by providing a significant metric to measure his achievements. For example, driving 50% to 100% annual revenue growth. This captures his ability in one bullet-point as opposed to several sentences on ways he brought change in a previous company. Saving space is goodWhile some CEO recruiters are fine with a longer resume, other cases like conferences demand a short but powerful one page resume. Whether youve got 25 years of experience, a decade, or none, making a strong impression is essential and a single page helps you do that. If youd like to see more examples of compelling one page resumes, check out our successful resumes page.*note, the original version of this article was published in monat des herbstbeginns of 2017 ?? Reply kunle oladipo on October 12th, 2017 - 908pm amazing. 25 years experience in a single page Reply Sekou Kaba on October 13th, 2017 - 255am Thats great to look at, even better to read Reply Nassyam Basha on October 13th, 2017 - 655am Nice post, usually for 10 years of experience we consume 3-4 pages to prepare resume. This example really makes sense. Reply Edwin Mwaniki on October 13th, 2017 - 1254pm Wowits actually interesting how 25yrs experience fit in such a small volume with each one of them represented.Im learning ?? Reply David Morris on October 14th, 2017 - 310am WOW. This is inspirational.As a hiring manager, I have certainly valued seeing people pay attention to the format as well as the content of their CV. In my most recent recruitment drive, of the three candidates that made it through to the brde round, tow of them had used . It shows. The long wordy CVs, with little thought to format, language, grammar, or white space make me cringe and risk being quickly consigned to the reject pile. Our internal recruiters hold us to account for providing reasonable feedback on why someone dont make the grade (an awful CV alone is not reason enough). Perhaps I should start making a link to part of that feedback.Now, ironically, as I think about my own CV it used to run many pages, as I used to detail individual projects on which I had worked. Then some years ago I trimmed it down to four pages. Page 1 has my profile, key achievements, and summary of core competencies. Pages 2 and 3 cover roles and achievements in the brde 12 years, showing just a list of roles from the 20 years before that. Finally, page 4 shows my professional development, education, professional memberships, online presence, publications, and general interests. Seeing this one-pager has certainly given me some ideas. While I can see ways of chopping mine down to a two-pager, I am struggling with how it might become a single page. I note that the font you have used is small, however it is a really crisp font with plenty of white space still, so that the reader can focus. Ill ponder some more and see what I could safely discard. Reply Pamela on October 15th, 2017 - 301pm Can I hire someone at your company to create something like this for me from my blah old school resume? Im not at all tech savvy Reply Tatiana Rehmova on October 16th, 2017 - 742am Hi Pamela, unfortunately, we dont offer such services. We believe that you know yourself and your career best and therefore its most appropriate if you create your resume yourself. We did our best to make the platform super-easy to use, which means you dont need to be tech savvy to be able to create a great resume yourself. ?? If you decide to give it a go, wed be excited to hear what you thought. Thank you Reply Raj on October 31st, 2017 - 342pm Putting a photo on the resume. How do you (as hiring managers) feel about this? One, it is too edgy styling, but thats my personal opinion. Second, I am concerned about discriminatory hiring lawsuits, etc. I dont want applicants to send me resume with photos. What do yo u think? Reply Tatiana Rehmova on November 3rd, 2017 - 1107am Hi Raj, thanks for your comment.As an employer, we accept resumes with a photo on them. Its not that we require them, but we definitely dont throw them in the bin. As an employer, you need to decide whats important to you. For us, the main information we want to see on resumes is candidates personality, values, attitude to work and life, as well as quantifiable results from each job theyve had. A photo is the last thing we look at. Its definitely a sensitive topic, though. On one hand, yes, you can get a discriminatory hiring lawsuit, but on the other hand, the majority of recruiters use Linkedin as a way to cross-check resumes. On Linkedin, were encouraged to use a profile photo anyway. So wouldnt that be against the law too? Reply Michael Sexton on December 7th, 2017 - 525pm If an employer has a bias 1. Do you really want to work for them anyway? 2. Theyre going to find out what you look like, your gender and your ethnicity at some point, most likely on LinkedIn. When I have needed to supply a CV (and I use ) I link the photo to my personal branding video. This is like a 30 second pre-interview, which allows me to communicate my message directly to the recruiter or employer. Its the perfect complement to a . Its also on my LinkedIn Profile which is key Reply renuka on April 26th, 2018 - 658am Length of a resume matters big time. This, I came to know after going through your blog which is based on the length of a resume. It helped me a lot during resume preparation. Thank you. Reply anusha wadhwa on May 26th, 2018 - 731pm Perfect A very long resume become confusing and does not send a good message. Reply Jon Mark on November 16th, 2018 - 1224pm I looked at my tired old 2-page CV with fresh eyes, reduced it to a 1-page version, and its so much betterThe only thing I dont like in the above examples is the Life Philosophy/Motto, which so often seems to be pretentious filler an d a turn-off. Is it really helpful? Reply Tatiana Rehmova on November 16th, 2018 - 225pm Hi Jon and thanks for a great feedback ?? I see your point about Life Philosophy, but some people feel strongly about their own one and love this section. Of course, it depends on you, your style, and your feeling. The aim is to feel proud when you look at your resume, not pretentious. I hope this helps ?? ReplyLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * emaille * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month. Subscribe Youre subscribed Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) LutzHow to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The 5 Skills of Highly Valuable and Highly Productive Employees

The 5 Skills of Highly Valuable and Highly Productive Employees The 5 Skills of Highly Valuable and Highly Productive Employees Its no surprise managers rate their top performers as their most valuable employees. VitalSmarts latest research sought to measure just how much more valuable top performers are and exactly what it is they do that makes them so valuable.Our study of more than 1,500 employees found that top performers arent just a little bit more valuable. Rather, both managers and peers say top performers are three times more valuable than the average employee. Top performers also do 61 percent of the total work done in their departments.In our study, we asked managers and peers to rate their direct reports and coworkers on a 10-point scale. Then, we asked them a couple of questions Do tens work harder or smarter? and Do top performers work habits add to their stress or reduce it? Both managers and peers agreed that tens work smarter, not harder, than the average employee. To top it off, tens are also significantly less stressed. In fact, 83 percent of leaders and 77 percent of peers said a tens work habits reducetheir stress.How do these top performers do it? What stress-reducing, performance-enhancing habits do they practice routinely and regularly? Below are five productivity practices of highly valuable and highly productive employeesCollect everything that owns attentionCapture all commitments, tasks, ideas, and projects rather than keeping them in your head. Use just a few capture tools you keep with you all the time, such as lists, apps, email, etc.Decide what your stuff means to youClarify whether the items youve captured have an action or not. If they do, be very clear about what the very next action is and who should take it. Without a next action, the task will likely languish on a listor somewhere in your brain. In both cases, the task is taking up precious spacethat could be occupied by more enjoyable and fulfilling items.Use the two-min ute ruleIf an action can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately. Dont defer. The time youll waste letting simple actions occupy your attention and to-do list is not worth it.Do more of the right things by reflecting in the right momentsRather than diving into your messy inbox first thing, take two minutes to review your daily calendar and your action lists. This reflection ensures you make the best decisions about how to use your time.Review weeklyKeep a sacred, non-negotiable meeting with yourself every week to re-sync, get current, and align your daily work and projects with your higher-level priorities.The message in this research is that a small number of self-management practices can change a persons life. In fact, when you compare people who consistently demonstrate these key productivity skills with those who dont, productive people are- 55 times less likely to start projects that never get finished- 21 times less likely to experience tasks and responsibilitie s falling through the cracks- unlikely to ever miss deadlines or assignments- 18 times less likely to feel overwhelmed- and 9 times less likely to feel depressed.These skills are also extremely beneficial to the organization, as they dramatically improve performance. Productivity is more than just being busy. Employees who learn to manage their workloads quickly and efficiently dont just get more done they get more of the right things done. They stop carrying the weight and anxiety of work, and they free up their time and mental capacity for new and better ideas. Its a win-win for both the individual and the business.David Maxfield is a New York Times best-selling author, keynote speaker, and leading social scientist for business performance. He leads the research function at VitalSmarts.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Aviation Structural Mechanic - Equipment (AME)

Aviation Structural Mechanic - Equipment (AME)Aviation Structural Mechanic - Equipment (AME)Even though most people think of ships when they think of the U.S. Navy, like all branches of the military, it has land and air vehicles as well. Navy aircraft are so complex that there are different mechanics who specialize in different types of repairs. The Aviation Structural Mechanic - Safety Equipment (AME), maintains and repairs utility systems throughout the aircraft. Duties of Navy AMEs These sailors work on systems such as air conditioning, heating, pressurization and oxygen, plus multiple safety devices. These technicians may also volunteer to fly asNaval aircrew. Aircrew performs numerous in-flight duties and operateaircraft systemsin turbo jet, helicopter or propeller aircraft. Theyre tasked with maintaining the various aircraft systems such as seat and canopy ejection, gaseous and liquid oxygen, life raft ejection, fire extinguishing, air conditioning, cabin and cockpit heat, pressurization and ventilation. This rating (which is how the Navy refers to its jobs) is responsible for removing and installingoxygen system valves, gauges, converters and regulators, and inspecting, removing, installing and rigging ejection seats, shoulder harnesses, lap belts and face-curtain mechanisms. In addition, they perform daily, preflight, postflight and other periodic aircraft inspections. Working Environment for Navy AMEs Aviation structural mechanics may be assigned to sea or shore duty any place in the world, so their working environment varies considerably. They may work in hangars or hangar decks or outside on flight decks or flight lines at air stations. A high noise level is a normal part of their day-to-day working environment. AMEs work closely with others, do mostly physical work and require little supervision.They may also serve as flight engineers aboard certain aircraft. A-School for Navy AMEs After Navy boot camp at Great Lakes in Illinois, youll s pend a little over a month in technical training (or as the Navy calls it, A-School) at the Naval Air Station in Pensavola, Florida. Qualifying as Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic As with any new military recruit, youll take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests before youre assigned a job. For this position you need a combined score of 210 on the verbal (VE), arithmetic (AR), mathematical knowledge (MK) and auto and shop information (AS) segments. Alternately you could score a combined 210 on the VE, AR, MK and mechanical comprehension (MC) segments. Unless you volunteer for aircrew duty, there is no Department of Defense security clearance needed for this job. In addition, your vision must be correctable to 20/20 with normal color perception (no colorblindness), and you must have normal hearing. You have to be a high school graduate and have no history of drug abuse. Sea/Shore Rotation for Navy AMEs First Sea Tour 54 monthsFirst Shore Tour 36 months Second Sea Tour 42 monthSecond Shore Tour 36 monthThird Sea Tour 36 monthThird Shore Tour 36 monthFourth Sea Tour 36 monthForth Shore Tour 36 month Note Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Importance of Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft Word

The Importance of Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft roger Employers know yur aim is to find the job. Your purpose is to find the job. Highly relevant expertise in a field is the very first thing employers search for. Actually, the sole aim of a company concern is the conduct of business operations. With a minor tweak in work hunt strategy, youre going to be able to alter the pace of your career. The very first thing that you want to concentrate on when applying for employment is your firefighter resume. Without one, you likely will not land an interview. Its important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Simple doesnt need to mean uninspired and boring. DIY HTML Resume offers you a very simple remedy to start your searches for a job when you could be ready. Utilizing Word, you can make your own templates for just about any application, including resumes. Most of our Resume Templates can be found in various color schemes to offer you better edi ting opportunities. It is not difficult to customize in Illustrator. Thus it is vital to choose the appropriate font and size of the text. Templates can frequently be downloaded and then utilised in a word processor. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any location in the creation procedure. You have to understand the goods and services youre offering like the rear of your hand. Share your work after youre completely delighted with your design and work, you can share it to the world via your social networking accounts, personal site, or a number of different channels you might utilize. Theres so many to pick from in his package that theres no use in describing a few of the features, since youll certainly be able to obtain what you need within. The Fight Against Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft Word Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is shown to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. So, yet another time... tell us what you believe The Most Popular Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft Word Whether youre a resume novice or expect, utilize the above mentioned resources to aid you in getting started in the application approach. There are lots of approaches to create a special and professional resume online so youre going to be ready for your next employment application and interview. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you will need a resume template that you may inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Because a free resume template already has the suitable format for a company or work resume, all you have to do is fill i t with accurate information regarding your work and education. The Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft Word Cover Up You are able to enter your social networking profile address for an extra point of contact. Because an expert CV can improve your odds of getting hired we have prepared some firefighter resume examples that you are able to download and edit in accordance with your profile. Title of the reference list with business name, business address and company contact information is going to be given at the surface of the list. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized. A superb sample resume should offer you a notion of the info you will need to have in your own resume. Bear in mind, your resume must present only the perfect mixture of meaningful information related to your objective. If you actually need help completing your resume, search for an online resume builder. Definitions of Free Printable Resume Templates Microsoft Word If you havent w ritten a pharmacy resume before, or for quite a long time, you may use the next template for support. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. Its high-quality PSD file is totally customizable. The following advice will give the guidance on the best way to create a basic resume template. Though there isnt any cover letter template included, it ought to be simple enough to create your own. The next professional resume template is appropriate for professional bankers, and its just what you need.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Scheduling Hack That Will Make Your Week More Productive

A Scheduling Hack That Will Make Yur Week More Productive When we first start out in our careers, we welcome busy. We stay late to prove we have what it takes to earn credibility. Theres no issue with face time. In fact, we want to be seen.Then slowly things change. We begin to manage other people, and we have family obligations that have us rushing out the door at 530 p.m. Most importantly, we begin to develop a clear vision for our career and our role in our organization. In order to succeed, we need to have a clear strategy about how we use our time at work every day.When we are at the doorstep to senior management, we have to change how we approach our day. We can no longer have our day (and other peoples priorities) running us we have to run our day by deciding how we spend our time.The only way to do this is to plan your week in advance. If you wait to find time as the week progresses, it wont be there. Why? Because if you dont schedule your priorities other peoples emergencies will fill the space.Use the tips below to get started and click on this link to use my Frame Your Week worksheet to help you get started.THE NON-NEGOTIABLESIf you have meetings or family responsibilities that are absolute necessities, fill them in first. When I say necessities, this means if you dont pick your child up from school no one will. No one will write this newsletter for me, so I need to start drafting it on Tuesdays if its to be published on Thursdays.The non-negotiables also includes time to focus on career strategy. If you want a new job or time to reflect on your quarterly or weekly goals, you need to set aside 6090 minutes each week to track your progress and decide upon action steps that will support your career goals. If you dont want to stay stuck in your career, you have to plan time to move forward. Without a dedicated block of time for this each week, you lose track of your priorities and eventually find yourself standing still.SELF-CAREThe next thing to schedu le is self-care Exercise, sleep, meditation, or whatever you do that makes you feel alive and capable of managing your life needs to be a priority in your week. If working out first thing in the morning is ideal for you, then choose two or three mornings to do it.The key to scheduling time for self-care is flexibility??give yourself options so that if you miss it on one day, you can fit it on another day.NETWORKINGSchedule at least one day each week that youll have lunch out of the office with someone in your network. When we get busy, typically we stop meeting with people outside of the office. This is such a big mistake. Networking is the fuel that helps you keep your strategic plans in action.Opportunity comes from the other people. If you isolate yourself, youll miss out on information, possibilities and perspective from people who want to help you.MEETINGS, EMAIL,ETC.Once youve added the above items to your schedule, then you have a clear picture of how much time you have for o ther peoples priorities. Start your work day with your priorities, reaching out to people that will help you make progress. If you have standard meetings with your staff, make sure they are at the same day and time each week.Try to get in the habit of checking your email and social media accounts at a designated time, not sporadically throughout the day. Otherwise, they suck valuable time out of your day.This exercise is designed to help you visualize how you spend your days and ultimately, your week. We rarely imagine how we want to spend our time??we just spend it. The best part of writing out this plan is that when your life goes crazy (kids are sick or you have tons of travel), you can come back to this and have the ability to refocus and get back on track.Take the time compare how you are spending your day versus how you would like to spend your day. And remember, this is going to be a work in progress. You might need to readjust the timing as your life and responsibilities cha nge.The important thing to remember is, if you dont give yourself time to take care of yourself and your career, you wont have the chance to take your career where you want it to go. Good careers dont happen by accident. You need to make it happenThis article welchesOriginally published by mater mea, an online publication that celebrates Black women at the intersection of career and family. For more articles on motherhood and work from Black womens perspectives, visit article is part of an exciting new content exchange between PowerToFlyand mater mea. Make hiring women in tech, and across digital, your competitive advantage. Sign up with PowerToFly today.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

resume tricks that will backfire on you

resume tricks that will backfire on you resume tricks that will backfire on you When youre putting together a resume, you might find yourself looking for ways to disguise a spotty job history, get around resume-screening software, or even avoid showing your age. And if you go looking for help, you might be encourage to employ some resume tricks to bypass these challenges. The dicke bretter bohren mssen? Hiring managers can see right through the most common resume tricks, and using them will usually backfire on you.Here are five resume tricks that you should pass up.1. Using a functional resume instead of a chronological resume to hide weaknesses in your work history.If youre trying to hide gaps between jobs, disguise several short-term stays, or downplay the fact that youve been out of the workforce for a while, you might have been advised that you should use a functional resume instead of a chronological one. Rather than a traditional resume, which would be in reverse-chronological order, functional resumes simply list skills and abilities without tying them to specific jobs and dates.The problem with this format? Employers know that theyre generally used to disguise limited or outdated work experience or job-hopping, and so theyre generally taken as a red flag that the candidate is trying to cover something up. Moreover, employers hate this format since it makes it hard to understand what the candidates career progression has been, and how recent (or old) those listed accomplishments are. If your skills are strong, a employer might contact you anyway and ask you to clarify the chronology of your work history but when they have plenty of other good candidates to choose from, it will make them more likely to simply pass you up.2. Shortening your resume by shrinking the margins and font instead of by cutting content.Sometimes a candidate who has heard that their resume shouldnt be more than one or two pages tries to hit that limit by using a tiny font and narro wing page margins to cram more text in. But its pretty obvious to people who read a lot of resumes when youve done this, and youll come across as someone who cant or wont edit and who doesnt know whats most important. Worse, youll dilute your resumes impact, because small, crowded text with no white space is hard to read and even harder to scan., which means that hiring managers eyes are likely to glaze over when they turn to your resume the exact opposite of the reaction you want.3. Leaving dates off your resume to avoid age discrimination.Older candidates are sometimes advised to leave dates of employment off their resumes altogether, so that employers dont draw conclusions about their age and assume that theyre too old, too expensive, or too set in their ways. The problem with this advice is that dates of employment are such a standard part of a resume that leaving them off looks bizarre like leaving the house without your pants. Moreover, its not just convention dates of emplo yment are relevant. Employers want to know if your experience managing that team that achieved such great results was recent if it was 20 years ago, as well as whether you did it for six months or three years.However, if youre concerned about age discrimination, one thing you can to is to remove from your resume jobs that are older than 15-20 years ago. Theyre unlikely to strengthen your candidacy at this point anyway, and your more recent accomplishments are probably more impressive.4. Littering your resume with keywords to get by resume-screening software.Many job seekers have become convinced that the only way that their resumes will actually be seen by menschengerecht eyes is to figure out some magical combination of keywords to make it past resume-screening software. In reality, many companies (especially smaller ones) dont use resume-screening software at all, and those that dont do screen using obscure keywords. Any halfway competent resume-screener is going to run expansive and varied enough searches that your resume should get seen if youre a qualified candidate. You dont need to stumble on some esoteric combination of words to get spotted.Plus, tailoring your resume to what you think a computer program wants to see is a good way to make it unappealing to human eyes and its a human who will ultimately decide whether or not to call you in for an interview.5. Using a fancy or unusual resume design to stand out and catch the hiring managers eye.When you know that youre competing against a sea of similarly qualified candidates, it can be tempting to think that you need to find creative ways to stand out, like using an unusual resume design with graphics and colors. But often a fancy design backfires, by making it harder for employers to quickly find the information theyre looking for on your resume. In fact, fancy resume designs tend to minimize the amount of information you can include, sacrificing content for flash. Thats at odds with what hiring manag ers want from your resume, which is quite simple a clean, uncluttered document thats easy to quickly scan and which puts information in the places they expect to find it. Designs that emphasize appearance over those characteristics will make your job search harder, not easier.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Terminate an Employee without Breaking their Spirit

How to Terminate an Employee without Breaking their SpiritHow to Terminate an Employee without Breaking their SpiritHow to Terminate an Employee without Breaking their Spirit Grote, author of How to Be Good At wertzuwachs Appraisals Simple, Effective, Done RightWriting up an employees performance reviewmay confirm your suspicion that the individual and the organization are so mismatched that employee termination is the right answer. Or, perhaps during the course of the year, a persons failure to respond sufficiently to your coaching, or his commission of an unacceptable offense, may cause the need to terminate.Employee terminationmust be carefully planned, with the heavy involvement of human resources, if this assistance is available. But the responsibility for how to terminate an employeeis the job of the manager and not that of the HR rep.Get to the Point QuicklyTo begin, waste no time with small talk or anything other than the job at hand. In the movie Jerry Maguire, Jerrys peer, a sleazy sports agent named Bob Sugar, takes him to lunch with the purpose of firing him. While hes portrayed in the movie as a slimeball, Sugar does one thing right he gets right to the point. He leads with a clear ansicht of the bad news he has to deliver Im here to fire you, Jerry, he states within a minute of their sitting down.As HR expert Kris Dunn notenzeichens, when youre delivering bad, life-changing news, clarity is your friend. The confusion related to small talk is your enemy.Heres a brief, step-by-step guide to one of leaderships most unpleasant duties.1.Say, Hello, name. Come in and sit down. Ive got some bad news for you. (Note Communications experts always advise that its important to set the appropriate tone for the meeting. By starting with the statement, Ive got some bad news you have eliminated any confusion.)2.State the reason for the termination in one short sentence As you know, the reason for the termination.3.Say, As a result, it is my duty to let you know t hat your employment with the company has been terminated as of today. (Note Use the past tense. Say, Your employment has been terminated, not will be terminated.)4.Be specific about what will happen next pay, benefits, unused vacation time, references, outplacement, and so forth.5.Close by thanking the person for his contributions to the company. (Note While it may seem odd to thank someone youre terminating for poor performance, almost everyone makes some contributions. Ending on a grace note can forestall future problems.)Be fully prepared to deal with all of the questions that invariably arise at the time the termination is announced this is one time you wont be able to say, Ill get back to you on that. Make sure you have answers to questions like these before you initiate the terminationIs today my last day?When should I leave?Will I receive severance pay? How much?Will I receive the bonuses I was eligible for?When will I receive my last paycheck?Will I be paid for accumulated sick leave or vacation time not taken?Am I eligible for unemployment insurance?Will you or the company provide employment references? What will you say if you are asked to provide a reference?What will my coworkers and clients be told about my termination?Will my medical and insurance benefits continue?When must I return company property such as a car, cell phone, and keys?What happens to my pension, profit sharing, or savings plans?Can I continue to use my office or work area to look for a job?When can I go back to my work area to get all my personal things?Can I say goodbye to everyone before I go?The termination meeting should be brief ten to fifteen minutes is usually sufficient. People always want more. You can talk for hours to no benefit. If possible, schedule the termination early in the week so you dont give the person the weekend to brood about it.In your discussion, dont attempt to justify or defend the decision. Stick to what you know for sure. You dont know, for exampl e, that an employee who has failed a drug screen is a drug anwender or an addict. What you do know is that his drug screen was positive. Make sure the person has heard the termination news clearly, but avoid any personal attacks, accusations, or justifications (You should have known . . .). And certainly dont tell the employee that this is difficult for you. Your ex-employee would gladly change places.Employee termination is undoubtedly one of the most disliked requirements of being a manager. But the termination of a marginal employee, if handled compassionately and maturely, will only generate relief from those who have had to put up with drones and deadwood, slackers and dedicated free-riders, without being able to take action. And remember its not the people you fire who make your life miserable. Its the ones you dont.Author BioDick Grote is President of Grote Consulting Corporation in Dallas, Texas. He is an expert in performance management and the author most recently of How to Be Good At Performance Appraisals Simple, Effective, Done Right, available at and other retailers. Hes also the author of The Complete Guide To Performance Appraisal, The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book, Forced Ranking Making Performance Management Work, and Discipline Without Punishment.Be a better managerLaying off anemployee is one of the most difficult moments in a managers careerespecially when that employee has tried to improve, but, for whatever reason, just couldnt get it together. Knowing what to say, how to say it, and how to help them move forward are of utmost importance to your own reputation as a team leader. Could you use some help with that?Sign up for exclusive https// adviceand well send you the latest recruiting tips, hiring trends, management strategies, and even some awesome deals.You can rely on expertise to help get you through those uncomfortable, yet inevitable, moments in your career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Experienced Public Relations and Publicity Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Experienced Public Relations and Publicity Resume Template 2018s Top FormatExperienced Public Relations and Publicity Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeDion Myers100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019 C (555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comSummaryCharismatic and persuasive communicator offering expertise in public speaking, and experience in entertainment advertising and media relations. Superb writer and editor who communicates effectively with my identified target audiences using strategic brand management and effective communication.HighlightsContinuous learnerDeadline-drivenDecisive problem solverExceptional multi-taskerExceptional writerOrganized and efficientProject managementRelationship building expertExperience07/2014 to CurrentCEO The Domino Struggle Entertainment Company New York, NYIdentified customer needs in corporate entertainment through market research and analysis.Defined company vision and goals, developed several strategies and tactics to ensure t he success of those goals.Established and maintained mutually beneficial- working relationships with event planners, caterers, and other entertainment companies.Oversaw the design of all of our web content. web and other content, including social media, website, online marketing and advertising.Researched to identify event entertainment trends and developments that might influence decisions and strategies.Estimated project costs and monitored budgets and generated operating capital by planning and coordinating fundraisers, writing grant proposals and business plans to present to investors and banks. I also secured several interns to assist in large projects and day to day operations.Coached and mentored these less experienced interns on bewegungsknstler and business development.Built a party band under the company and continue to manage and develop this group.01/2013 to 09/2013Assistant to Booking Agent Road Dawg Touring Company Denver, COShadowed and assisted managers at shows and events. Researched marketing strategy and implemented different trial marketing strategies.Day to day administrative work.01/2012 to 09/2013Assistant to Booking Agent Alpine Music Connection Denver, COAssisted three national booking agents by confirming booking info, arranging complex traveling schedules, communicating with artists, managers, and venue personnel.Day to day administrative and secretarial work.06/2010 to 09/2013Communication Technician II Arapahoe County Sheriff Department Centennial, COHandle incoming emergency and nonemergency phone calls.Training in Communicating with Purpose, Time Management, PowerPoint Training. Type 76 word per minute.01/2008 to 01/2010Beauty Consultant Ulta Centennial, COAssisted clients in advice on issues and products related to health and beauty.01/2006 to 01/2008Wedding Coordinator Assistant Lehrers Flowers Denver, COAssisted in providing the floral needs of major events including weddings, parties, corporate events, and major holidays.Educ ation2010Bachelors Degree Music Business Colorado Christian University Lakewood, COThe first to graduate under a designed degree of Music Business. My program welches hand designed and used as an experiment for the university. Since it was successful it is now a regularly offered program at my university.2008Music Business Contemporary Music Center Vineyard, MAMusic Business School where I was 1 of only 25 students accepted into the program nationwide.The program shows you how to be a successful and effective manager by teaching its students the legalities of contracts, public relations, marketing, scheduling, show management, song selection, collaboration, and studio recording. You learn to work with other managers and their artists, while you too are assigned two artists to manage.2005High School Diploma Irvington High School Fremont, CAArts Program*References available upon request.Customize ResumeMore Entertainment and Media ResumesEntry Level Journalism Resume Templates